As the saying goes, "the best workout is the one you do". At-home barre workouts can be effective and efficient if you've got the right tips and tools to help set you up for success. We're sharing a few of our tips and must-haves to make sure your at-home barre workout is just as fun as the one in the studio!
The must haves.
At Home Must-Haves
Barre classes almost always use the ballet barre. But what if you don’t have a barre handy at home? No problem. You can use a sturdy chair, a Booty Kicker or a kitchen sink/counter to take the place of a mounted barre. You can even use a secure door handle (door open with one hand on each handle) for exercises like Chair or Waterski.
Other important props are highly recommended to make the most of your barre class. Light hand weights are a must and are used in just about every barre class for upper body work. We consider light weights to be 1-3lbs. Our other favorite prop is the 10” inch fit ball. The fit ball is often used to enhance lower body and core exercises. Last but not least, we cannot forget about the loop band. Loop bands come in various different strengths, but we recommend medium strength for the most use. Loop bands are responsible for intensifying thigh and glute burn.
Plan It
Treat it like an at-studio session.
Plan It & It Will Happen
Treat your at-home session like you would an at-studio session. You’ll set yourself up for a successful at-home workout with a few of our tips below.
Pick the Time.
Treat it like you would an appointment with your hairstylist, kid drop-off, or a doctor’s appointment. Phone calls, piled-up laundry, mealtime, and playtime are not allowed in this time block you’ve made for yourself! Plan it at or around the same time each day if possible to stick to a routine.
Pre-select the Workout.
If you’ve only got time for a 30-minute workout, pick a workout ahead of time for that amount of time. We can easily waste time scrolling for the workout we want to do during the time we have to do it. Save yourself the wasted minutes and have a few ready to go!
Pick the Space.
Space is important for the type of exercises you’ll be doing at home so choose wisely. Maybe you need a bit more legroom for those Barre Intensity kicks today. You might need a space away from a sleeping child or adult or enough room for your equipment.
Join Us Online
Barreless classes at your fingertips.
Workout with Us Online
We have a plethora of barre classes to choose from on Barre Now that will work great for your at-home workouts. Classes are available 24/7 through our Barre Now App or on your desktop. You can even search classes by the prop, duration, and theme. Join us online anytime and try your first week at home with us free! Get started with your at-home barre workouts today!