Lindsay Russ

Lindsay has been dancing since the age of 2 and started teaching dance classes at the age of 12. With a background in Jazz, Ballet, Modern, Lyrical and Tap dance, Lindsay was introduced to Pilates while studying dance as an undergraduate student at the University of Kansas.

With an education in dance, she grew to love the practice of Modern dance and Martha Graham’s technique. She decided to learn more about Pilates through D.K. Body Balancing method through the University of Las Vegas Nevada. Lindsay is certified in Pilates mat, chair, cadillac and reformer. 

She additionally has has certifications in Barre Intensity, Core Barre, Barre Above, Balanced Body Orbit, PiYo, Transform Barre & Juvo Board. She is one of the first certified instructors in Kansas City for Juvo board and for her newest certification in Barre Intensity.

She has recently become a Regional Master Trainer for  Kansas and Missouri with Barre Intensity.  With much knowledge in the barre and Pilates field, Lindsay brings an exciting and challenging work out that fits all levels of ability. With Lindsay’s classes you will experience more energy, strength, tone and confidence.