What's Covered In A Barre Instructor Training?

Thinking about becoming a barre instructor but hesitant? We get it, signing yourself up for hours worth of a barre certification without even knowing what the training will entail is unnerving. Let us take some of the edge off and share with you exactly what's covered during a Barre Intensity Barre Instructor Training weekend. 



What better way to start than by introducing ourselves. In 60 seconds or less you'll tell the group: your name, where you're from, what's your fitness background and why you're taking part in this barre certification. You'll realize that you're not alone. Some attending will already be barre instructors while others have never taught a group fitness class in their life.

barre instructor training


Yes, there is a method to our madness and understanding our brand, our technique, who we are and what we stand for is important. If you can understand the "why", why we do what we do, you can more fully understand the "how", how to properly execute while teaching. 

barre instructor training


Understanding the barre instructor lingo is important. When we use the word INTENSITY, what do we mean. We say it's all low impact choreography, but what's the definition of "low impact". We define our body positions. Barre Intensity was created with the general population in mind; therefore, no need to memorize French or ballet terms. 

barre instructor training


Music is the backbone, not the background, to every Barre Intensity class. Understanding beat matching, how to craft a playlist and what BPM range to work within is crucial. We don't take for granted that everyone understands music which is why we cover it during our weekend barre instructor training. Looking for some good barre tunes? Check out @barreintensity playlists on Spotify. Or search "barre intensity" on iTunes. 

barre instructor training


Proper alignment is critical not only to teaching a safe class but an effective one as well. We'll cover with you our five main alignment principles that you can take with you in just about every move you execute. You can never get your hands on enough posture alignment tips. 

barre instructor training


Because what's a barre class without the barre moves? There are seven main sections that make up a Barre Intensity class and we teach you all the moves, variations and modifications that fill the sections. Want to make the moves more challenging? Don't worry, we'll share with you how to do that as well. 

barre instructor training


Practice makes perfect... well, almost. During your barre instructor training weekend you'll have the opportunity not just to listen to your Master Trainer explain the moves, but you'll have a chance to feel it (when your Master Trainer teaches to you) and you'll also have the chance to speak it (when you're practice teaching to a partner). We know there are many ways to learn and we do our best to get you experience with a few of the methods. 

barre instructor training


How you move from one move to the next both in words and flow is just as important as the exercises themselves. We'll share with you our tips effective verbal cuing and how to piece together choreography to ensure your class never stops moving. Want a head start? Read our 5 Tips for Effective Cuing. 

barre instructor training


What's in store for you after your training time with us is up? When can you start teaching Barre Intensity? How many hours should you practice? Do you have access to ongoing support and education? We'll cover all of those items during our wrap up before we send you on your way to becoming successful barre instructors.