Online education is a thing of the present, not the future, and it doesn't have to be inferior to an "in classroom" experience. If you can earn your bachelor's degree online, we're confident in your ability to receive your barre certification online. Here are 5 reasons to get your online barre certification.
1. Two trainers Are Better Than One
With the Barre Intensity Online Instructor Training program you don't just have one Master Trainer sharing their knowledge, but two! Stephanie and Elyssa take you page by page through our 170 page Instructor Training Manual sharing their years of barre and fitness knowledge with you.
2. The Training Site Is Close To Home
By close to home, we mean your training site IS your home. If you have access to internet and a computer, you have access to our barre instructor training program. No time spent commuting and no money on a hotel. While being in a group setting has its pros, so does doing your work from home.
3. It Fits In Your Busy Schedule
We're going to bet that becoming a barre instructor isn't the only thing on your schedule. As much as you'd love to take 14 hours out of your weekend to attend a barre training, it's not convenient. With the Barre Intensity online barre certification, you can watch, study and practice the content 100% on your own time.
4. you can ask questions anytime
The ability to ask questions is one of the best parts about participating in person, but it's one of the best parts about learning online as well! Use our comments tool to ask questions as they come up. As many as you'd like as frequently as you'd like. One of our Master Trainers will respond in 24 hours.
5. Review It Again and Again
You don't have to be a masterful note-taker to be able to re-review what was discussed. With our online barre certification program you have access to the content for 3 months. You can watch again, and again and again. As often as you need in order to absorb and comprehend the information. Need more than 3 months? Just ask!
Because we understand sometimes you want to try it before you buy it. Take a look inside our online barre instructor training and certification program.