Now that you've completed our barre training workshop, you have a beautiful manual, a head full of great information, and a look at what makes us Barre Intensity, but how do you apply these great tools to your next class?
Through the help of our online video resource, Barre Now, we’re able to offer all Barre Intensity trainees FREE post-barre training support covering: alignment, transitions, exercise refinement, full classes, history of barre, Tracks training, and even access to our online course! These video resources reinforce the information learned during the Barre Intensity barre certification weekend training and better prepare you to teach your first, or next, barre class.
Read on for details then join us for an upcoming barre instructor certification: we have live and online learning options.
Barre Certification Benefit #1
One of the first tools you’ll find in your post barre training toolbox is our Anatomy Workshop. This online workshop is a combination of recorded footage from a live workshop and web recorded series. In total, 10 hours of learning broken down into 25 video chapters. By participating in this online workshop, you will broaden your understanding of anatomy and movement, and how they pertain to teaching a safe and effective barre fitness class. This will cover:
Basic Language of Anatomy
Introduction to the Connective Tissue System
Basic Body Mechanics and Muscle Function
Critical Musculoskeletal Structures
Upon completion of the online exam you will receive 10 AFAA CEUs, 1 ACE CEC, and 10 ACSM CECs.
Barre Certification Benefit #2
Next to our Anatomy Workshop, you’ll find in your post barre training toolbox is all things alignment. Although we cover these alignment principles in detail during our barre instructor training (pages 8-14 of our instructor manual); we find it important enough to review again, and again and again. We have over 20 minutes of clips covering some of the most fundamental positions of the body during a Barre Intensity class which cover:
Alignment: The Spine
Alignment: Hip & Shoulder
Alignment: Rib Cage
Alignment: Hip, Knee, Toe Relation
Alignment: Plank
Barre Certification Benefit #3
This section not only includes three transitions & flow clips, but a FREE online Choreography Transition Tactics workshop as well!
Transitions & Flow clips (as covered on pages 159 & 160 of the instructor manual):
Transitions & Flow: Warm-Up
Transitions & Flow: Upper Body
Transitions & Flow: Lower Body
Choreography Transition Tactics Workshop:
Here we share our five most successful choreography transition tactics to get you seamlessly moving from one piece of choreography to the next. Working with thousands of barre instructors and trainees across the world, one of the biggest pieces of feedback we share is "work on your transitions". We realize "working on transitions" is a lot easier said than done which is why we created this workshop that describes in detail our five most successful choreography transition tactics.
Five Choreography Transition Tactics Covered:
Pull Apart/Piece Together
Start Off Slow
Use a Filler
Sandwich Your Moves
End Where You Want To Go
Barre Certification Benefit #4
Our newest free post-training tool is our Tracks Training. Not sure what Tracks are? Read here. Ready to start using Tracks in your Barre Intensity Classes? Learn how with this new short training. This quick training is an optional module for those who have participated in our online or in-person Comprehensive or Essentials Instructor Training. You will not be quizzed on this module and it is not required for BFA certification.
When we started releasing Tracks Style classes on back in 2020, we never explained all the ways you could use them in your classes. This quick training will explain:
What are Tracks Style Classes
Pros & Cons to teaching Tracks Classes
How Tracks can give you inspiration for Signature Style classes
Creating and teaching Tracks
Tracks Class Outline
Full Tracks Release - Tracks 25
Barre Certification Benefit #5
This new free post-training tool brings you so much barre history from some of the OG’s of Barre Fitness. Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, from COREBARREFIT, lead you through this quick history of barre training. While barre fitness has evolved through the years, instructors need to know and understand where and why it originated.
This online training module is free for those who participate in both Online and In-person Comprehensive and Essentials trainings.
Barre Certification Benefit #6
Exercise Refinement
In addition to clips about alignment and transitions, we provide over 18 free clips on how to refine those Barre Intensity exercises learned throughout your barre training weekend. These tools are to help you piece exercises together, describe, and even cue them. You find these exercise refinement clips inside your Barre Now account as a part of the “Trainee Bundle” They include:
The Warm-Up
Upper Body
Glute & Hamstrings
Barre Certification Benefit #7
We also offer three, free, FULL classes, to place into your post-barre training toolbox. The first of those three includes a Sample Class found in the back of your barre training manual (pages 162-164). This class is a choreography review vs a full 55-minute class. It can be found by searching for The Workout: Full Class on Barre Now.
You’ll also find three full-length 55-minute classes which include basic Barre Intensity exercises. They can be found by searching for 9/22/16: Master Class, 4/24/18: STEPHANIE, 3/30/21: MARIA, 12/14/21: MARIA, 4/16/24: JESSICA, 6/20/23: MICA, and 5/9/23: MARIA. These classes also come with downloadable PDFs with class choreography and playlists specific to the workout. All of this for FREE to help you become a great barre instructor.
Barre Certification Benefit #8
Online Access for Life
Last, but certainly not least, we give you lifetime access to the Online Comprehensive Course. We understand how much information is shared in our live trainings and want you to feel confident you absorbed it all! So instead of worrying about what little nuggets you may have missed, hop over to your Barre Now access and refresh your memory 24/7. This is also a great opportunity to review sections of a Barre Intensity class when preparing to teach your first class or refine your teaching for your next class. With access for a lifetime, you’ll have all the tools you need to become a great barre instructor.
“As a group fitness instructor of many exercise formats, I just wasn’t sure I’d be able to become the next barre instructor anytime soon. Through the help of Barre Now and all of the post-training support, I was able to accelerate my barre teaching and successfully teach my first class in weeks vs. months. ”
Looking for more barre instructor support? Become a Barre Now monthly member. As a member, you’ll receive access to our tracks and full 55-minute classes complete with 20-minute choreography previews, downloadable PDFs and playlists to go with each class and track. New classes and tracks are loaded each month! Visit Barre Now today to access all of these tools and take yourself closer to becoming a barre instructor and not just a barre trainee.
Pick Your Price and Affiliate purchases do not come with all the courses mentioned above. If you would like access to this post-training toolbox, email us at