
Ashley McGovern

Ashley McGovern discovered barre in 2016 while she was a student at Purdue University. Immediately, Ashley fell in love with the ballet-inspired workout and became a barre instructor. Ashley taught barre at a local boutique studio for a year and a half in the Lafayette area. As she graduated and moved back to her hometown in Indiana, she knew she wanted to continue her love for teaching. Ashley recently got certified in a barre method that is new to her known as Barre Intensity. Ashley has a background in almost all areas of fitness. She enjoys helping others achieve their fitness goals and pushing them past their point where their muscles ache from the intensity.

Sarah Hott

With over 14 years in the fitness industry, Sarah has a broad background of health and fitness and currently owns a personal training and group exercise studio; Hott N Healthy.

Sarah has always had a love of fitness and health. From a young age she has played organized sports and been physically active. She was involved in sports as early as grade school. Enjoying soccer, track, cross country, basketball, volleyball and tennis. Now, the passion for volleyball and tennis continue. In her spare time she likes to compete with friends or in tournaments. She also enjoys running races, doing triathlons, and has completed a marathon and a biking century.

Sarah has been in the health and fitness workforce since college. Starting her fitness path, while completing her degree, for the YMCA teaching kids programs, Cycling classes and Silver Sneaker programming. Finishing her degree with her internship in Norfolk, VA at USAA working as a Fitness Specialist teaching a wide array of classes and Personal Training. Obtaining that position upon graduation while also working as a Personal Trainer at Gold’s Gym. From there, the desire for a more inconsistent weather pattern (joking) led her to being Manager of Fitness overseeing corporate sites in Chicago, IL for Advocate Healthcare at Northern Trust Bank and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Lastly, before opening her own space, supervising Group Exercise and Personal Training programming in Chesterton, IN for Franciscan Alliance.

Being involved in corporate and commercial fitness programming has been a big learning experience for Sarah. Engrossing herself has created a large understanding and expertise for what people need during work and personal time in regards to wellness.

Currently owning her own fitness studio allows her creativity to be explored through Personal Training and Group Exercise classes. Sarah also enjoys presenting health information for various companies in her hometown. She teaches classes and/or does wellness presentations on a quarterly basis.

Holding not only a health degree, Bachelor in Exercise Science and Minor in Sports Medicine, she also achieved a Master of Business degree. She has a Personal Training and Group Exercise certification and specific specializations such as Barre Intensity, Yogafit Instructor, Kettlebell, Cycling, Pilates and more.

Sarah has a true passion for fitness. You never work a day in your life if you truly enjoy it, and she does. Currently residing in Indiana with her two boys and husband, she stays busy running her studio, running around with her little boys and trying to spread health and wellness to one person at a time.