NG Yuen-yan, Tina

Tina Ng is the Founder and Director of YOO Pilates & Barre. She was an Office Manager before becoming a full time Pilates & Barre instructor. In 2010, she started practicing Pilates and soon found that Pilates was very effective for her in creating a healthy body and relieve her lower back pain, shoulder stiffness and neck pain. The wish to impart her knowledge to help others led to the transformation of a hobby into a new and enjoyable career.

Tina started Barre Intensity instructor training in January of 2018 and was fascinated by the impressive elements of strength training and intense cardio. She is now the first certified Barre Intensity instructor and Master Trainer from Asia.

Tina completed her BASI Pilates® MAT Teacher Training, is a certified Stretching instructor, Pre & Post Natal Fitness Specialist Certification and certified Children and Adolescents Fitness Instructor. Besides, she practiced Yoga for 14 years and also studied ballet and Aerial dance. Tina has a Bachelor degree in International Business Management from Northumbria University.