Darby Reiners

Darby Reiners is new to the fitness industry, but has enjoyed physical fitness all her life. Growing up Darby participated in Basketball, Soccer, and (her favorite) Dance. Once in college, Darby found an interest in group fitness classes including Yoga, Pilates, and BodyPump. Through her personal goal to re-enter the dance world and under the advice of her sister and cousin who are both heavily involved in the fitness industry, she pursued Barre and fell in love with the Barre Intensity program. With fifteen years of dance experience, Darby loves combining traditional ballet moves with high tempo music in her Barre classes.

When Darby is not teaching Barre she is pursuing her other passion, History. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in History and French from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2012 and went on to receive her Master’s Degree in Public History from North Carolina State University in 2014. She currently works as Assistant Registrar at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum connected to West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas.