The Barre Intensity technique is challenging. It's fast-paced, requires some coordination and leaves participants sweaty at the end. But what about those beginner clients? Not to worry, they can still enjoy an impactful Barre Intensity class while working at their appropriate level. Use these barre training tips to adjust your next class for the beginner group: those still working on their coordination and barre strength.
Stretch More
Include Stretches Between Series
Stretching is a great tactic for not only opening up the body but providing an active recovery for participants to regroup while still benefiting the body.
Add in shell stretches or down dogs throughout the plank series.
Roll out the wrists after a tricep dips or push-ups.
Do a quad stretch after a long thigh series or include a glute stretch between single-leg standing work.
Keep it Simple
Keep Choreography Simple
Less truly is more with this group. Participants won’t appreciate your well thought out creative barre choreography if they aren’t able to follow along.
Keep props to a minimum. Props add a layer of complexity regardless of how standard the exercise may be.
Plan less choreography and stay in your series longer. With this group, it might take 2-3 eight counts to get on track. Staying in a series longer ensures everyone will be able to appreciate the exercise as intended before moving on.
Stick to the basic moves found in our Comprehensive Instructor manual while avoiding exercises (at least in the beginning) such as water ski, standing pretzel, and seated pretzel.
Transition Wisely
Transition Wisely Between Series
It’s easy to get lost in the transition, but if you transition with your clients in mind, you’re more likely to keep class on track.
Layer and build. Start with a basic exercise, such as a bicep curl, and add on simple choreography: bicep curls while squatting.
Start off slow. This allows you to pack more words into one movement to clearly explain what the bodies should be doing. Once everyone is in unison, pick up the pace.
Be clear with direction. Do you want the right leg forward or the left? Are you pivoting towards the door or the mirror? Should the arms still be moving even though you changed up the legs?
Provide Modifications
This group is working on building their coordination and strength; therefore, choreography options are a must. Providing modifications throughout barre class might be easier than you think.
Thigh work: Let clients know to work within their end range knee bend - they don’t have to go low.
Plank work: Give clients an option to bring the knees down.
Upper body: Remind them they can set the weights down at any time.
Stay Positive
Create a Positive Environment
By remaining positive, you are helping your clients feel welcomed and successful regardless of physical status.
Use intonation in your voice by adding a rise and fall to your teaching voice.
Call clients by name while reinforcing the accomplishments you see in them.
Cue in the positive. Avoid words such as “don’t” when correcting alignment and phrases such as “if this is too hard for you …” when offering up an alternative option.
We’re always looking for ways to help you, the instructor, improve your classes and teaching skills. With our Essentials Instructor Training course, learn the Barre Intensity technique and more ways to strengthen your barre training.
If you are currently a barre trained instructor (trained in any technique), this is an opportunity you don't want to pass up. Register today for our Online Essentials Instructor Training course for only $199.
This course is approved for 8 AFAA CEU's, .7 ACE CEC's and 7 ACSM CEC's
If you're currently trained in the Barre Intensity technique, email us about even greater savings on the Essentials training course at