Beating the Burnout: 5 Barre Training Tips

It's that time of year when we all start to reflect, set goals and recharge for the new year ahead. But how do you avoid that burnout as we finish the year out? We are giving you five barre training tips to help you keep refreshed as you refocus your barre instructor training for the new year ahead.


Take a New Class

Barre Training Tip 1: take a New Class

We all strive to be the best instructors but we are still students too. Taking a new class or even a class from a fellow instructor provides an opportunity to see what others are doing and supplies some fresh ideas. It’s so easy to get lost in the weekly teaching routines that we tend to get comfortable. Getting out of our comfort zones and into something new can be a bit scary but remember at one time everything we did was new, even our barre training. You’ll learn more about yourself and your teaching style just by trying a new class!


New Music

Barre Training tip 2: Listen to new music

Music is that one thing that can make or break any class. Science has proven that listening to different types of music can directly alter the way you look at the world around you. As a barre training method we offer several new playlists each month. If you haven’t joined us on Spotify or FitRadio (search Barre Intensity) just yet, give us a try. It may be the missing link you need to take your barre class from great to awesome.


Themed Classes

barre training tip 3: Create a themed class

Barre classes are listed as one of the most incredibly fun exerices trending this year, so how can you bring the fun when you’re feeling the funk? Try a themed barre class! A theme can range from the color you wear to the music you play. Have you tried one of our Hip Hop Barre classes? Take one of your favorite props and make it a theme. A good theme can also involve an awesome play list -- think certain decades, movie soundtracks or even specific genres of music. Pick a theme and start announcing it in your classes, get people excited and go from feeling in a funk to moving to some funk. Check out our Barre Intensity Holiday playlist on Spotify to give your class a little jingle for the season.


Rest & Relaxtion

barre training tip 4: Get some rest

As much as we’d all love to retreat to the beach or get cozy by the fire after a long week of teaching……well, we really should, or at least pretend! Taking some much needed R&R each week (or day) is one key to keeping us fresh and feeling up to motivating our next barre class on the schedule. This is the time of year when you should take that much needed nap, sip on a warm cup of tea, pick up that book you’ve been “meaning to read” or use that lovely bath bomb. Rest is physically neccessary for your body to repair, rebuild and strengthen. The bigger your class load the more important it is to take that rest. Not only will the rest help you from feeling burned out but it will also give your body the balance it needs.


Set a Goal

barre training tip 5: Set a new goal

#Goals. There is no such thing as a bad goal but there are good goal practices to follow that can help you actually achieve that goal. Start small and be specific. Even though we may all be certified barre instructors we can always make new goals to deepen our knowlege in our trade. Setting goals and accomplishing them helps us to feel more confident and in control.

Tough times never last, but tough people do.
— Robert H. Schuller
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Enjoy a litte happy from our family to yours by using code 20BEMERRY and receive 20% off any of our apparel now through December 25th.