Let's get right to it, opening a barre studio is hard work. Finding the right location, managing the build out, defining your brand, building a website and securing your team are just a few of the milestones before you open a barre studio. "If you build it they will come" is only true if you also market your product and have top notch barre instructors on the schedule. Since we're in the barre certification business, we know a thing or two on how to get your team ready for opening day.
Audition before you train and know what to look for. Candidates do not need to be current barre instructors, although a bonus, but should have at least one of the following pieces of criteria:
- Pilates Instructor
- Yoga Instructor
- Dancer (from our experience dancers make some of the best barre instructors)
- A consistent student of barre fitness for at least 1 year
- Spin, Zumba or other group fitness instructor that requires teaching to the beat of the music
Request that candidates come to auditions with their resume, music and 5-10 minutes of fitness choreography prepared.
All qualified candidates should be required to complete an official barre instructor training and certification program. Programs should be approved through a continuing education provider such as ACE or AFAA. If not Barre Intensity, you'll want to leverage another barre training program to lay the groundwork and foundation for qualified and educated barre instructors.
Phase 1
Practice, practice, practice! There should be a specific method to the practice schedule. We suggest:
- Assign homework. Make the most out of your studio time. All preparation should be done at home by trainees. Let them know ahead of time what to come to the studio prepared with.
- Start off small. Never expect a trainee to prepare a whole class beginning to end. Master one section at a time and add on when ready.
- Include a seasoned instructor. Early on practice teaching should be done with a Master Trainer or seasoned instructor vs fellow trainees or students.
- Provide feedback. Feedback is never easy to give but real-time constructive feedback is crucial to becoming a qualified barre instructor.
- Keep it internal. At this point in the process trainees should be practice teaching on other trainees or instructors. We save teaching to invited guests for phase 2.
Feeling the workout is just as important as teaching the workout. Experiencing the choreography, cuing and flow, along with feeling how exercises target muscles groups are critical in the training process. If there are no seasoned barre instructors affiliated with your studio, take advantage of Barre Now, home to 40+ Barre Intensity classes taught by Master Trainers and certified instructors.
Phase 2
Here's where all the training, taking class, teaching class, and applying feedback comes together. During this phase we encourage:
- Teaching a full class. From start to finish, with music, microphone and real participants.
- Invite guests. These are invited (think friends and family) guests who are not barre instructors or fellow trainees. We're not quite ready for the general public, but we want people who can simulate what a real class will be like.
- Include a seasoned instructor. This is still practice time so a Master Trainer or seasoned instructor must be present.
- Provide feedback. By this time the feedback provided should be less than before and much more specific. Not only is feedback coming from the seasoned instructor, but now the guests can chime in as well.
- Do it more than once. Do this phase between 2-5 times before an instructor is considered "certified" and ready to be on their own teaching to not only invited guests, but paying clients.
Looking for specific and constructive feedback on your barre class? Submit our Online Test Out form. We'll get back with you in 7 business days with a complete report of your class.
If you're opening a barre studio and in need of guidance from a Barre Intensity Master Trainer with experience in instructor training and personal development, contact Stephanie Lyons at stephanie@barreintensity.com.