
AnnaChrista Mitisek

As a former dancer, barre always intrigued me.  Following my 5th abdominal surgery and 8th all around surgery, barre was suggested as part of my rehab.  After my first class it was as if my body said "Why haven't we been doing this all along?" I fell in love instantly and knew this was going to be my passion.  I have three daughters and a husband who travels extensively for work so as a part-time-single mom, I need something that is *mine* and I find that home is at the barre.  

I adore teaching, its what I went to university for and have half my master's degree in.  Now that my daughters are all in school full time, I am excited to blend my love for teaching and my enthusiasm for barre fitness.  Please join me at one of my studio classes or take advantage of my mobile barre services.  Check my website www.BarreBesties.com and Meet Me At The Barre!!!